300 kilometers of the way within three days with 30 kilos pickback. The only thing connecting the kiters with the rest of the world is a mobile phone. It is charged during the stops. And there they can have a short but necessary rest, needed in this serious battle. All this is TOKE “TRANS-ONEGO”, competitions held since 2012 in Kerelia, on the Onegolake.
And from the very beginning the person who has been standing at the helm is Dmitry Bubnovikov, the author of the idea and permanent leader of TOKE. It is time to get to know one more member of the #SNOWKITERUSSIA-2017’s team. Dmitry finished Marine Academy of our Saint-Petersburg and Norwegian Oslo. Long voyage navigator and specialist on organization of water transferring. He has gone under a sail and continues doing it, but he first tamed a kite later, in 2009 and there it all started: Saint-Petersburg championship, Siberian Cup, VAKE-2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, PAKE-2016 and of course TOKE.
In 2016 the marathon was first held in the range of World Championship according to winter sailing sports association WISSA and received the approval from the organization in the quality of the official stage of annual World Cup in this discipline, which consists of two more stages: VarangerArctickiteexpedition(VAKE) in Norway andPallasArcticKiteEnduro (PAKE) in Finland.
TOKE-2017 is already a 300 km distance and at the same time it’s the 1st stage of the World Cup on super long distance. By the way, the receipt of applications for participation in TOKE-2017 has started. You can send your application via our website or traditionally leave it on our mailbox teams@trans-onego.ru
#snowkiterussia #toke #трансонего #wissa2017 #силаветра #silavetra #чемпионатмира #жигморе #оранжевоенастроение
#оранжевыйветер#кайт #кайтинг #кайтер #сноукайтинг #фестивальспорта #автопробег #поход #trip #тольятти #togliatti
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