According to many ancient beliefs the real new year starts with the seasons’ change,
the moment when winter ends and spring comes.
This is why to be very precise we keep in mind the sign «How you greet the New Year…»
and transfer it to the very first days of March 2017 in Karelia.
We need to see the winter off in such a way that will leave the brightest, themost breathtaking memories.
While greeting the spring must be hot.
Combination of uncombineable: ice and snow on which the competitors’ emotions run high,
winter’s last frosts and already warming rays of the spring sun, speed of the kiters, and the time.
Time that stopped for centuries in ancient Kizhi, the dynamics of modern sportsmen and the old traditions of Karelians.
All this is TOKE in Karelia.
An event that can take in not only sportsmen, but also those, for whom sport is not action, but an exciting spectacle.
Wearesupportingour sportsmen kiters, taking interviews from world sport stars,
watching the colorful sails gliding over Onego lake, and we are adding to all that a whole plenty of winter Karelian entertainment.
We are making a journey to Karelian epics and taste the Lappish cuisine.
So, we’re seeing off the winter and greeting the spring in Karelia in the way that we remember it for a long time.